Top 10 PHP Frameworks to Hold on to in 2021 for Website Development!


PHP is far from dead. It’s used by about 79% of all website Development Companies!

Elegant Website development services are rare today, and you have an assortment of website Creation frameworks to choose from. Factors like their learning curve and their costing are thoughtful processes too. As some frameworks have a difficult learning curve, you would require good developers, which means big-figure salaries. There might also be conditions where you want the site to be generic. In other cases, you do not want third-party bugs to give you automatic behavioral patterns in your site, hindering quality assurance.

There are N number of conditions with each framework, and you want to avoid site complexities too. Confused about which PHP framework to choose? This blog has a range of systematic and recyclable codes providing frameworks in line, just for you! 


CakePHP framework is popular because of its ability to flow and advance with time. It has independent features and lets you access it rapidly as it is open source. Furthermore, new trends taking over time have introduced new functionalities to keep up its likability. So even if you have new norms to implement, it has a developer community on which you can count!

The current version of CakePHP is a great one, with improved features like improved modularity and increased aptitude. In addition, your application’s core goes through various layers of testing and is continually enhanced within this framework. 

If you want flawless business apps, this is the right choice. It provides high-end security with many features. SQL injection prevention and cross-site request forgery protection are also included amongst many others. 


Laravel is a great option due to its model-view-controller (MVC) pattern related to architecture. The MVC Structure is useful in simplifying your code processes and structure, due to which you can work with ease. Laravel has a blade template engine, which helps develop creative layouts with smooth operations. 

It has a CLI with a Symphony console component for building apps, which deletes the tiring repetitive coding tasks developers have to perform manually. Laravel also is great due to its multiple testing abilities at the same time, which assures perfect testing of your app. If used according to processes, your app could have the best performance. You also wouldn’t have to utilize time in writing a complex SQL code repetitively.

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This one is in demand due to its high flexibility. Its bundle and components are its main attractions. You can reuse and reconfigure them to decrease the development costs. You can even add your custom modules that help reduce the development time due to reduced routine work. Thirty helpful components can regularize your web development services with ease. Symfony even has great customization flexibility as follows: 

  • Full-stack – develop a complex app with many functionalities 
  • Brick by Brick – If you want to create your specific project with selected functionalities, you are free to do that too! 

You also have Symfony developers from more than 120 countries, a large community compared to other communities. So in case if you get stuck, you have friends to help you through! 


A well-designed Zend framework model can help you save time and complete your assignment by allowing you to use the large Zend resources. The Zend application is simple to integrate with whatever you desire. You can also opt to use it in conjunction with libraries from other frameworks. 

Zend is an object-oriented, MVC-based framework that leverages extensible features like interfaces and inheritance. In addition, it allows you to load only the components and functions you need as separate libraries.

It is based on agile flexibility, which enables you to develop high-quality application and website development. The Zend Framework is extremely configurable and adheres to all PHP conventions.


If you hate morbid processes and have strict client deadlines, the Codeigniter is the perfect toolkit for you. One of the best PHP frameworks for web application development is CodeIgniter.

 If you want to improve the application’s development, the only alternative is to use a website’s development framework. However, in comparison to certain other frameworks, CodeIgniter Development is quick and reliable, saving time and effort. Furthermore, you can change (software) for use on a different system or platform for existing programs using the PHP framework.


FuelPHP is a web application framework that is free and open source. It writes in PHP 5.3 and uses the HMVC design paradigm. Through a utility called “Oil,” FuelPHP makes use of the command line’s power. The tool is extremely helpful in speeding up the development and testing, mending, and HTML support. FuelPHP is a framework that leans on object orientation. 

This build for extreme flexibility and molecularity. Without changing a single line of code, we can separate applications into modules, and we can enhanced and replace the components. Fuel accepts any template parser for parsing views, including Smarty, Twig, PHPTal, and others. It also has other features, which include: 

  • Web framework that is both flexible and community-driven
  • Simple to set up and utilize
  • FuelPHP is very portable and can run on practically any server. It also has a flexible URI routing scheme.
  • ORM model with a low weight
  • Input filtering is preventing SQL injection
  • Framework for secure authentication and authorization
  • Reusable and easier-to-maintain code
  • Module auto-loading, application performance, and exception handling are all covered.

Yii 2 

Time is money for web developers, and no one wants to waste it on a time-consuming installation and configuration process. We c can automate many of the repetitious processes in projects with Yii’s technologies. 

This technology frees up developers’ time and attention to focus on essential business requirements and logic. Caching is an extremely effective approach to boost a web application’s performance. It aids in reducing response time and enhancing the web application’s speed and performance. Yii makes it simple to integrate a cache application component. 

Yii is a very simple and straightforward application to set up. We can download this fundamental framework from the Yii Framework website and the composer as well. 


The PHP Phalcon Micro framework is useful for developing enterprise applications, such as RESTful systems that handle a lot of traffic. Because it is developed in C and distributed as a compiled PHP Extension, it outperforms rival frameworks like Lumen, Slim, and others. As a result of this simple reason, it is one of the quickest PHP frameworks on the market for quick website development.

This framework does not require lengthy PHP file operations or to be interpreted at each process/request. Once the server is started, it loads into RAM and takes very few resources. As a result, we can use the PHP Phalcon Micro Framework to create applications ranging from tiny to huge. 

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Why should you pick PHPixie as your PHP framework when there are so many others on the market? PHPixie, on the other hand, provides more adaptability because everything is easily overridable, extendable, and straightforward to understand. 

It’s quite beneficial because you’ll be in charge of everything that happens during your website development. Aside from that, PHPixie is beneficial as part of any application due to its simple request-response flow execution. In addition, unlike many other frameworks that use an autoloader to load class names, PHPixie does not enforce a naming convention, resulting in improved readability. Finally, ORM, input validation, and authentication capabilities are some of its distinguishing features.

Slim Framework

Slim is another well-known PHP micro-framework that enables developers to create simple but powerful website development as well as applications and APIs.

Slim’s Advantages

  • Slim, like PHPixie, is simple to learn. PHP developers use slim to create RESTful APIs and web services.
  • URL routing, session and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching, and other features are important.
  • It’s the best framework for a small web application that doesn’t need a full-stack PHP framework. 
  • Furthermore, active maintenance and user-friendly documentation make slim extremely user-friendly.

Wrapping up the best ideas for website development gigs!

What else would you need when you are adept with these extraordinary ten frameworks? Web development services with any of these ten frameworks can give you what you aim for in every aspect! 


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