Why would your campaign yield Zero lead or worse, Why would it stop working on the second day itself?



The fact is the conversions and lead generation campaigns are those campaigns which are used mostly among the marketers. Still, they fail in execution because of their small mistakes.  We had created a Campaign of ours which was not fruitful for us on the very first day. We got leads but they were the irrelevant and second day the campaign itself had stopped working. It does not return a single lead!

#Mistake 1: Running too much banner ad without change

Banner ads are the most used ads right now because video ads are time consuming and tough to make.

  • In the video ad, you need to take care of proper animation and speech or voice over.
  • If a person is speaking than you must take care of tone and ups and downs in the voices.
  • You need to connect a person with emotion.
  • You need to maintain curiosity in videos.

Well, Video ads are definitely more converting than banner ads. But if you are going with banner ads than place one ad and check its performance for a few minutes and hours. Once it rises up keep changing the content or banner so Facebook treats it as new ads. This trick is help to generate a impression at lowest cost with the premium placements.

#Mistake 2: Poor targeting

Marketers fail in the ads many times because of the poor targeting. More than 1.73 billion people are using Facebook and Instagram. It’s too hard to say that your ads aren’t working because your target market isn’t watching your ads.

The main advantage of Facebook ads is you can target the audience very precisely with all necessary categories. But if you cannot target people who actually need your services, than Facebook will show your ads to the people who really do not care about your services at all.

So target audience properly with appropriate research.

  • Age and Gender
  • Location
  • Who/What influences them
  • Language
  • Interests/Hobbies

Use these options properly to gain expected and satisfactory results.

#mistake 3: your target is too narrow or irrelevant

Facebook allowing us narrow targeting is a great option but if you target excessively narrow where you cannot find the proper mass to show your advertisement than your ad will adamantly Fail.

If you target irrelevant mass or you create open targeting than it may be possible that you get zero leads.

#mistake 4: if you fail to generate user interest

The campaign is all about creating the position in mind so it is up to you how you create your potions.

You can go with specific targets.


Coca-cola and Thumbs-up are both belonging to the same company PepsiCo but coca-cola is positioned for the family whereas Thumbs up is positioned for the youngsters.

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You can go with personalized ads also which is specifically created for particular industries.

By doing this you can easily connect with your audience corresponding to their interest.

These are the Checklist points that can very well lead you to the best results for your campaign!


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